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brings you 128 quality Avenger presets and seven top quality full Construction Kits.
Vengeance Avenger is a brand new synthesizer just been released in December 2016 that promises to be one of the best synths for the future. With tons of features and ongoing development, upcoming productions are safe with this synth.
Each kit contains all 24-Bit WAV stems drums, breakdowns, FX, leads, plucks (wet & dry versions) and everything you need for that kit. MIDI files & a list of Avenger presets used for each Kits MIDI files are also included.
Mainroom Warehouse are proud to bring you their first sound set and Construction Kit pack for this amazing synth and many more to come in the future.
Please Note:
To load the presets for each Kit you will need to install the 'Top EDM Genres' sound set first. All presets and MIDIs are clearly labelled to what you need to load.
Please use Avenger version 1.0.28 or higher. Keep your software legal and up-to-date to avoid any issues when loading your new presets.
Product Details: