Audio Loops & Samples Dance EDM
The Vocal Collection Vol 9
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In Ihrer Auswahl sind folgende Dateien enthalten:

  • WAV

'The Vocal Collection Vol 9' by Roundel Sounds

is a massive Construction Kits pack filled with vocal and music stems for EDM with tempos ranging from 85 to 126 BPM.

This pack is loaded with inspiring melodies, pumping kicks, bright sounding snares and claps, warm basslines, perfectly fitted FX sounds, playful plucks and synths, great sounding and carefully processed leads, clean guitar strumming chord progressions, and sweet piano sounds.

Each Construction Kit comes with MIDI and WAV stems to build your tracks the way you like. All sounds have been processed and edited using professional, award-winning UAD plug-ins.

Product Details:

  • 49 WAV Vocal Stems (Wet/Dry/Raw)
  • 61 WAV Instrument Stems
  • 40 MIDI Files
  • 1 Spire Preset
  • 44.1kHz/24-Bit
  • 100% Royalty-Free
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