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Slap House is an EDM construction kit loaded with smooth progressions laced with Dusseldorf school arpeggios, jazz-flavored float house motifs, Japanese electronica-shaded feels, good ol’ classic happy techno vibes and more.
The included 177 loops, 290 one shots and 66 MIDI files are dialed in at 125 BPM and comprise drums stratified by instrument (a folder full of mixed beat loops is also included), and separate folders full of arpeggios, bass figures, chord progressions and synth samples.
Bouncy and transparent, the sonics on Slap House never become suffocated or claustrophobic as you work; on the contrary—the sounds fall together easily and seamlessly into carefully pocketed spaces that allow the music to breathe easily and expand naturally as you build and thicken your arrangements.
Using these sounds, you’ll be able to quickly assemble music with a very comfortable loudness level that shines with the kind of airy and wide-open dynamics we like to see coming off the timeline as a mixing baseline.
Rest assured, with Melodic Slap House you’ll be able to push your mixes to suit any venue, and still enjoy real sonic transparency.
Versatility, flexibility, and the perfect intensity at any level- Slap House delivers exactly what you’d expect from a top-tier electronic music construction kit.
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