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kicks off this neoteric Vaporwave and Trap sample series featuring a distinguished profusion of transcendent synth loops including synth pads, poly synths, synth leads, synth keys and synth bass with a subtle utopian nature.
Processed with utmost care to deliver authentic 80s and 90s VHS nostalgic effects entangled with modern Trap elements, this pack is based on five Construction Kits loaded with dressed to kill Trap drum loops, fire snares plus hi-hats, percs, rim shots, claps, growling anamorphic 808 bass and much more. MIDI files are included, so these elements are ready to be tweaked, edited, re-sampled, chopped, sliced, stretched, re-pitched and arranged to your taste.
'Mystic Temple' delivers high-quality 24-Bit WAV music samples in both dry and wet versions directly to your DAW with a simple drag and drop gesture. This sample collection is ideal for Vaporwave, Retrowave, Hypnagogic Pop, Lo-Fi, Ambient, Chillwave, Synthwave and Retro, Electronica, Hip Hop, and Trap.
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