Audio Loops & Samples Electronic Electronica
Industrial Investigation
Lizenz: Kommerziell (Unbegrenzt)

In Ihrer Auswahl sind folgende Dateien enthalten:

  • WAV

Riddles and clues, 'Industrial Investigation' is the sound of unraveling the truth.

Mysterious pads and subtle synths will help you solve the case.

Connect the pieces and discover a deeper sound.

Basses, Beats, Pads, Percussions & Synths are all included in this do-it-yourself construction kit collection. Relentless twists and turns slowly reveal a bigger audio picture.

All of the loops heard in the demo are included, and you also get lots of alternate versions in different keys from those sessions.

'Industrial Investigation' includes 231 loops of 130BPM 24-Bit ACIDized.WAV files, with the key and tempo information in the filename.

Product Details:

  • 30 Basses
  • 105 Beats
  • 17 Pads
  • 16 Percussion
  • 6 Sweeps
  • 58 Synths
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