Audio Apps & Plug-ins Effects & Presets
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In Ihrer Auswahl sind folgende Dateien enthalten:

  • MIDI

'EDM MIDI Vol 1' includes 40 MIDI & WAV loops

from chord progression plucks to lead melodies that will simply inspire you. All MIDI files are key labelled and WAV files are key and tempo labelled.

The pack contains 40 loops in varying tempos to get the most out of the sounds. You are sure to find a place for each one in your next productions, or simply to use as a starting point as inspiration.

Product Details:

  • 40 WAV Loops in Total
  • WAV & MIDI Included
  • Tempos between 98-130 BPM
  • All Files Key and Tempo Labelled
  • 194 MB
  • 80 Files in Total
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