Audio Loops & Samples Easy Listening Chillout
Cyber Clash
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Soundtrack Loops intros Cyber Clash Cinematic Battle Loops & One-shots.

Cyber Clash, a split developed by Italian producer Belibat (Galaxy Gunslinger 1-3, Lo-Fi Drift 1-2, Memory Wave 80s, Jazzy Trip Hop), and Philippines-based Loop Theory (Melancholy Chill Hop, Tokyo Downtempo, Trip Hop, Rejuvenation, the Chillout series).

The endgame is a Cyber Punk breakbeat excursion that takes no prisoners. With folders full of drums, basses, synths, guitars, and FX, these 258 loops and 59 one shots are perfect for making complete tracks that deliver dramatic, hard-driving, super-punchy music with superb, wide-open sonics.

Organic beats and bass, snarling leads, immense pads, cyber punk spoken word phrases, squelchy riffs and killer effects bring a classic vibe to the table that calls to mind The Prodigy, The Crystal Method, Pendulum, and other big beat acts that blend rock and electronic forms into seamless streams of pure energy.

Cyber Clash is remarkable in the way it instantly generates music with a massive sense of scale and space—here are the trademark sounds that artists spend their entire lives chasing down.

With these fully produced loops and one shots on hand, you can achieve that classic, pulverizing sound pretty much instantly. Soundtrack Loops is grateful to have producers with these levels of skills and generosity, and hosting two heavy hitters on one collection elevates Cyber Clash to an exceptional class all its own.

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